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RollerHelper v0.6.0
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Buy or Merge
Price Calculator (Miner)
Profit Calculator
Crafting Offer
Daily / Weekly
Merge to Unreal
Parts Prices

Numbers of Cryptocurrencies: 11

Network performance :
18.419 Zh/s
(18 419 278 000 000 Gh/s)
Last update : 2024/12/22

Part prices (RLT)
0.002090 0.002048 0.001995
0.06720 0.06458 0.05912
1.4175 1.4469 0.7823
15.593 15.750 7.467
91.35 75 8.43 1.44
Last update : 2024/12/22 at 12:51:17 am

RST convert => RLT


*Please note : This is an estimate as the calculation is done as follows :

40RST = Minimun 175 parts,
175 x Average part price
40 / (175 x Average part price)

1 RST =
1 / (40 / (175 x Average parts price))

The average part price can be found in the table above.

Miner Statistics
Amount of 1 Cell Miners : 87
Amount of 2 Cell Miners : 808

Total amount of Miners : 895
Total bonus : 1 295,04 %

Amount of 1 Cell Miners : 405
Amount of 2 Cell Miners : 3258

Total amount : 3 663
Total bonus : 19 537,05 %

Total (Basic + Merge)
Amount : 4558
Power : 150.721 Eh/s
(150 720 877 323 Gh/s)
Bonus : 20 832,09 %
Last update : 2024/12/23

Website Statistics
Visitors today
57 (1 online)

Total Visitors
36 923


95 (1 online)

Last update (Script)

News and Updates
Welcome to RollerHelper v 0.6.0 !
What is RollerHelper ? This is a community site that provides each visitor with various scripts in form to make it easier to use Rollercoin and use various calculations that you may need in your RollerCoin adventure.

The website has no direct connection to RollerCoin and its team. RollerHelper was created and developed by RollerCoin players who can be found in the French channel of the RollerCoin Discord.

A Discord server (in French) has been set up for RollerHelper. If you want to join us on this adventure and get the latest news from the site, join us here ! :)
What is happening on RollerHelper ?

Hello everyone!

Some of you (those who don't use an ad blocker :D) may have noticed that RollerHelper no longer displays ads from Google. Unfortunately, this is not intentional !

In fact, Google has suspended RollerHelper's ad account because, according to them, we are generating 'incorrect traffic' and using methods to increase our ad revenue. This is, unfortunately, not the case. From time to time, you may see our ads through the various RollerCoin Discord channels, but nothing more.

I would have loved to tell them to go take a hike, but unfortunately, the few cents they offer me each month are my only income for the time spent creating and maintaining RollerHelper. So, I will still try to do what's necessary to 'improve the quality of traffic on their ads'!

That’s why, starting today, you may see a page that will ask you to solve a small calculation to access the site. Hopefully, the 'bad traffic' won’t be able to do it...

I hope this won’t affect the quality of your experience on RollerHelper !

We would also like to thank a generous donor, who will recognize themselves, for their donation of 55 TRX ! A big thank you to you !

PS : We’ve made a small display change on the 'Opti-Merge' page. We’ve separated the display of merges you already have from those that are not yet in your collection.

If you encounter any issues, whether it's with a site form or a potential bug, the RollerHelper team will be happy to assist you either on the FR channel of the RollerCoin Discord or directly on the RollerHelper Discord !

See you soon on RollerHelper !

Written by Litchoux 2024/12/01 at 2:58:00 pm
Change in the number of shares for mergers !

Attention, the number of shares for miners has been changed on RollerCoin !

All RollerHelper miners with a last update date earlier than 20/11/2024 are no longer up to date. You have the option to update them using the copy/paste function.

The RollerHelper team is working to update them as quickly as possible !

(Automated message)

Written by RollerHelper 2024/11/20 at 6:16:39 pm
New cryptocurrency XRP !

As XRP is now available for mining on Rollercoin,
we have added this cryptocurrency to RollerHelper on all pages listing mineable cryptocurrencies
(Profit Calculator and more...)

The RollerHelper Team.

Written by Litchoux 2024/11/16 at 1:59:59 pm
New Page ! 'Merge Optimization'

Hello everyone!

The player @Gunday came to the RollerHelper Discord (which you can find at the bottom of every page on the site) to ask if it was possible to:

'Know which miners are the most profitable to merge, given that he was entering the information in SimulationRoom.'

And there you go, it's done! We hope we’ve met his expectations.

You can find the new 'Merge-Opti' page at the top of the site, right next to SimulationRoom !


We remind you that, to use this feature related to SimulationRoom, you need to have a RollerHelper account and be logged in.

This page is brand new, so feel free to share your suggestions, change requests, or any improvements you think could be made. If you encounter any issues, let us know !

If, like @Gunday, you have any ideas or special requests, don’t hesitate to join us on the RollerHelper Discord and tell us about them.

See you soon on RollerHelper !

Written by Litchoux 2024/11/11 at 7:13:58 pm

1 2 3 4

For any problems or possible suggestion please contact @Litchoux on the RollerCoin Discord in the French channel. Thanks !

Translation proposed by @superdd07

Discord RollerHelper FR

Learn more.

A big thank you to everyone !
For helping and supporting us !

Goal : 450
58,9 %

Make a donation

Period from :
2024/03/23 to 2025/03/23
*Updates per hand.
